Become a partner of the Institute!

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Our mission is based on a network of local, national, and international partners. Corporations, foundations, public partners, civil society actors, universities, research laboratories, media… they all share the commitment to advance civil society and knowledge.  

Anyone can join us to support the Institute’s development, on a specific theme, a research programme, a workgroup, or even an event.  

Why become a partner of the Institute?

To support the understanding of the civil society sector and to enhance its recognition, strength, and resilience

We identify the knowledge needs of CSOs and their partners (which are so far not sufficiently covered), support research projects that address these needs, and disseminate knowledge to a wide audience.  

To be part of a socialdriven innovation programme within the civil society sector using the R&D approach

How can CSOs enhance management of their socio-economic models? How can the created and shared societal value be consolidated and acknowledged? What role do CSOs play in communities, territories and democracy? These questions, integral to our research programmes, stimulate potential innovation capabilities within the civil society sector. To address them, we provide support for research that results in tangible applications benefiting CSOs. 

To support the co-construction of knowledge between CSOs and researchers, and generate research that responds to the needs of society

We bring together actors and researchers in our workgroups and events, fostering participatory research and collaboration to ensure the usefulness of the generated knowledge and to facilitate its dissemination. 

To be at the heart of a knowledge-based network on civil society

We provide knowledge-sharing opportunities that connect researchers from various disciplines of the humanities and social sciences, civil society actors, support structures, and partners of the nonprofit sector. Through these distinctive connections, a comprehensive network of knowledge between actors and researchers is established, contributing to the advancement of civil society. 

To enrich your strategy

Our partners are dedicated to the civil society sector and the advancement of its knowledge. They also draw upon state-of-the-art research to enrich their perspectives and energise their strategic ambitions. Furthermore, as partners, we offer you visibility on our website and various communication channels, along with access to our events and ressources.

As a non-profit organization of general interest, the Institute offers you tax benefits for your donations.

Testimonies from our partners

Who are the partners of the French Institute for Civil Society Organisations? Why do they think it is important to strengthen and promote knowledge of the civil society sector? Why have they decided to support us? Find below their main takeaway about the work of the Institute. You may also read their full testimonies (in French only).

Axelle Davezac, Managing Director of the Fondation de France

Supporting research on the civil society sector, in order to increase knowledge of its key drivers, trends and challenges” 

Marie-Stéphane Maradeix, Former Managing Director of the Carasso Foundation

“Research is essential to understand the ecosystem in which we operate, and frame it in the past, present and future” 

Thibaut de Saint Pol, Director of the National Institute for Youth and Popular Education (INJEP)

Developing knowledge about civil society organisations is essential to enhance and highlight their contribution to society and democracy

Hugues Sibille, Former President of la Fondation Crédit Coopératif

What would life be without civil society organisations? Public authorities and private sponsors, like our Foundation, have a duty to help improve the civil society by developing forward-looking strategies and understanding ongoing transformations” 

Patrick Chenu, President of FONJEP

“Research carried out by the the French Institute for Civil Society Organisations will not only contribute to a better understanding of socio-economic models, but will also bring forth the role of civil society organisations as achievers of commun interest and vectors of social change” 

Xavier Gay, Managing Director and Associate at LIMITE Agency

“The ‘relational substrate’, as stated by Alain Mergier, which constitutes civic action, is not a mere supplement of the soul, but the essential prerequisite for the social, economic, and democratic functioning of our society” 

Charles-Benoît Heidsieck, President and Founder of RAMEAU, Co-founder of ODD 17 Funds

“Given the magnitude of systemic challenges, it is essential to (re)discover spaces for contradictory dialogue and the confrontation of experiences, such as those effectively led by the Institute” 

Valérie Gaudart, Director of the Culture and Community Division at Engie

Highlighting civil society will enable a better understanding of the opportunities for engagement, and reaching a larger audience.” 

The French Institute for Civil Society Organisations

1 Rue Dr Fleury Pierre Papillon, 69100 Villeurbanne

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