The French Institute for Civil Society Organisations
This website is under translation. Some pages are only available in French
An institute dedicated to the promotion and development of knowledge on the civil society sector
Founded in 2019, The French Institute for Civil Society Organisations (In French, Institut français du Monde associatif or IFMA) fosters knowledge about the civil society sector and promotes its development by facilitating its engagement with scholarly research.
Our current thematic areas
- CSOs and Democracy in Europe (FR/ENG)
- Private Generosity and CSOs: Toward New Relationships (FR/ENG)
- Participatory Reseach: At the Crossroads of Research and Practice (FR)
- Revealing the Contribution of Civil Society to Territories (FR)
- The Socio-economic Models of CSOs and Value Creation (FR)
- Governance and Participation (FR)
- Civil Society and the Sanitary Crisis (FR)
- The History of Civil Society (FR)
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The French Institute for Civil Society Organisations
1 Rue Dr Fleury Pierre Papillon, 69100 Villeurbanne