European webinar series – First edition

Civic Freedom, Democracy and CSOs: Empowering the civic sector through research

Accueil 9 Evénements 9 Civic Freedom, Democracy and CSOs



Bilingual (FR-ENG) interpretation

The French Institute for Civil Society Organizations is thrilled to launch the inaugural edition of its European Webinar Series. This first event focuses on the critical theme of Civic Freedom, Democracy, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), sharing insights into participatory democracy, civic resilience, and the importance of producing and disseminating knowledge on this topic.


Julien Talpin

Political science researcher at CNRS (Ceraps/University of Lille)


Siri Hummel

Director of the Maecenata Institute

Floriant Covelli

Managing Director of The French institute for Civil Society Organizations (IFMA)

Alexandrina Najmowicz 

Secretary General of the European Civic Forum


Upon filling the form, you will shortly recieve the link for the webinar as well as a detailed agenda

This webinar is organized in partnership with Maecenata Foundation and the European Civic Forum

This webinar is supported by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Institut français du Monde associatif

1 Rue Dr Fleury Pierre Papillon, 69100 Villeurbanne

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